Tuesday 17 January 2012

Pretentious Dicks

This is a blog. This is a bLog. This is a bLoG. THis is a bLoG. THis Is a bLoG. THis Is a bLOG. THis IS a bLOG. THis IS A bLOG. THis IS A BLOG. THIs IS A BLOG. THIS IS A BLOG.

I think I have made my point. Being the pretentious dick that I am,  this first post will be all about the wonderful concept of opinion.

We live in an age when anyone can put their opinion up, as I am doing now. Now, there is nothing wrong with an opinion, until you try to hold it against facts that directly counter your opinion, and this where it gets interesting. It is fair to say the internet is not a moderated debating forum. No doubt debates and arguments from the philosophical to the completely absurd erupt all over the internet, across the social media sites and blogs, on youtube and facebook, via emails and instant messages. However these debates tend to be closed in a sense, two people doing nothing more than butting heads. In the realm of virtual words, It is easy to leave a debate you are losing, easy to keep your ways, to say something and not provide evidence; much easier than in the "real" world at least.

So what does this mean? It means that I encourage everyone who may ever read this, to take their fiery debates over the internet, and transfer them to real life. Discourse is the root of progress, ideas lead to innovation, innovation to a better society (or so we hope). Stop talking about the weather during lunch, argue backing with the man on the soap box declaring that it is the end of times, join a debating team, write for an opinion column (as long as it's not inane. ah fuck it, do what you want). And when you do this in real life, listen. Choose discussions and discourse over shouting matches. Closed ears create closed minds, and there is always something you do not know that someone else does. Through equal, constant, and reasonable discourse, you will be amazed and what you can learn, about yourself, others and the world. Perhaps. Unless all your friends are dumbasses. Then you have different problem.

Of course, you can debate the above impetus I have given, but then you're just being a pretentious dick.              


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